Sunday, June 7, 2009

Another beautiful but cold day :) Took harry out for an hour of grazing the long acre beside the road. I sat on his back and relaxed... He ate.

I'm getting a feel for what his feet are doing and how his spine moves and what he's going to do next and he's getting a few extra greens in his largely hay rations.

All in all, a very pleasant afternoon :)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

So, went riding today :)
lovely day again, bit cool and windy, but good all the same. Poor BBB's paddock is getting grazed out and I feel sorry for him (stupid, stupid, stupid) and let him have a go at all the grass on the way. Hoping I haven't turned it into a habit... I just know I hate having no greens for a while, I'm guessing hay gets boring. at any rate, it keeps things nice and slow and cheerful, which is what I need really. The bareback thing is still a bit... awkward. He is fantastic about it though :) Hoorah

My man came with me too, spent lots of time teaching his mothers puppy to SIT and STAY, while the BBB and I hung out at particularly nice patches of grass.

Friday, June 5, 2009

...Bloody weather...

So, I went out for a ride today, beautiful day, sunny, calm... got half way to the paddock and the rain started... Got his halter from the shed and the hail started... So I brought him into the woolshed, groomed him, did some equine touch, and as he was standing there after the body work, half asleep... The sun came out again.

I hate this weather. I really, really do...

One day I will have an indoor arena...